Praetorian Guard; The Elite unit of the Imperial Roman Empire
Praetorian Guard was the most important and most dangerous once most
powerful unit of the Imperial Roman Empire. Praetorian Guard was
mainly used by the emperor of the Roman empire to secure himself and
the royal family. Later, several more tasks were added to it such as
protecting the empire within its walls, fighting for the empire,
fighting in the arena when necessary, especially to exhibit the power
and the strength of a Praetorian Guard, and controlling the crowd
inside Roman Walls. Apart from those, Praetorian Guard acted as the
secret police unit of the Roman Empire. They were once used as the
hitmen squad also. Loyalty towards the emperor, his family, and the
empire was the main thing expected from a Praetorian Guard when it
was created. So, it was given all the highest standards for its
existence. They dressed differently, they were armed differently,
they were given special training and they were the best the Roman
Empire ever had. But this elite unit which was established for the
sake of the empire and the emperor brought degeneration and
misfortune to the imperial roman empire until it collapsed as the
Western Roman Empire during the early centuries.
Origin of the
Praetorian Guard
The origin of the
Praetorian Guard run towards the dates of the Roman Republic. During
those days, it was not the Praetorian Guard as we know it today. It
was just an elite group made up of the greatest warriors selected
from the Roman army to protect the republic's generals. Even Marc
Antony, Scipio, Lucius Cornelius Sulla used such an elite group to
guard themselves on the battlefield as well as inside the Roman
walls. The path towards the origin of the praetorian guard was paved
by Julius Caesar when he enlisted the tenth legion (X legion) as his
But the Praetorian Guard was originated by its usual name as we know it today, under the guidance of Augustus Caesar. Augustus Caesar felt and experienced the importance of a loyal and honest own army. In simply, a bodyguard unit as he experienced every harsh and rude moment of the Roman republic's civil war arose soon after the assassination of Julius Caesar. As soon as Augustus Caesar became the first emperor of the Roman Empire in 27 B.C, he created an elite bodyguard unit of nine cohorts each consisted of 500-1000 soldiers. It was the first appearance of the Praetorian Guard of the Imperial Roman Empire. It was the greatest symbol of the Imperial Roman Empire which showed all its glory and the mighty power of the emperor over 300 years. When the whole Roman Empire started its expansion with imperial military power, the Praetorian Guard always became the strongest backbone of all its victories. It made the glory and the honor towards the Golden Eagle of Rome.
Privileges of the Praetorian Guard
Since Praetorian
Guard was the empire's bodyguard unit, it was honored by a lot of
privileges. Praetorian guard soldier was enlisted to work only for 12
years while normal roman soldier had to work for 20 years in 13 BC.
But after an amendment in 5 AD, Praetorian Guard soldiers were to
work 16 years while normal roman soldiers had to work for 25 years.
Moreover, a Praetorian Guard soldier was paid three times more than a
normal legionary soldier.
Praetorian Guards
wore a uniform and armed differently than a normal legion did.
Praetorian Guards wore a blackish uniform with modified and finer
Armour including an oval shield; all other legions used the
rectangular shield. Praetorian Guard had their own identity at the battlefield, even, such as an eagle and wreath.
Praetorian Guard was the only allowed unit by the emperor to hold a sword near the emperor. Also, due to the short service time, Praetorian Guard soldiers could easily get a higher rank in the Roman Army at their younger ages. Moreover, after the service time, the retired praetorian guard was gifted with a house and land, even with tax immunity as ordered by the emperor.
Pride of the
empire- Brought it the disaster
From the origin of
the Praetorian Guard, it got the favor and the powers of the empire
directly. Praetorian Guard was directly commanded by the empire. It
was the sole commander in a battle once the emperor is not on the
battlefield and it was the second-highest command during the presence
of the emperor.
Even with its beginning, Praetorian Guard had got huge manpower. Apart from that they were trained well and had more connections with the emperor. They were privileged. It was the glory and the power of the Roman Empire. But as the Roman Empire started to degenerate, the Praetorian Guard with an unlimited power also became an intimate power of choosing the new emperor.
Praetorian Guard was at its worst during the reign of the Commodus. But, even before him. The praetorian guard lose its discipline and started to interfere in the ruling system directly. None was there to challenge the Praetorian guard.
The Praetorian Guard auctioned the throne of the empire to the highest bidder. Unless the emperor is loyal to them and pays them the best, the praetorian guard was with him. Later in the empire, the praetorian guard chose an empire on their own. So, the improper, indecent elite unit, once the pride and the glory of the Rome brought all the disgrace and finally the end to the Imperial Roman Empire.
Here’s a list of Emperors who were murdered by the Praetorian Guard,
Caligula in 41 AD
Commodus in 192 AD
Caracalla in 217 AD
Elagabalus in 222 AD
Pupienus and Balbinus in 238 AD
Anyway, in 312 AD, Constantine disbanded the Praetorian Guard forever and assigned all its members in normal duties under the normal law without any privilege.